splines in space

theorising through (dance) practice

kalte Hände

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i used to know a fantastic dancer called Sabrina, really hard-working dedicated and a real pleasure to be around. she always complained she had kalte Hände, and it's something i still say when it's chilly and i have no gloves. as usually happens, we lost contact ... but the other day i discovered how to contact her and sent of an email. i hope to hear back from her soon ... she seems to be doing very well for herself.

when i was a choir boy i used to warm my hands by putting them into the sleeves of my cassock. i had a great choir master called Malcolm Mckelvey, he taught me how to sing and lots more beyond ... including my love of JS Bach and Baroque music in general. my thoughts go to his family, as i know how deeply this news has affected me.

Malcolm McKelvey

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